Test Your Knowledge (Ready Without NVR, 11+ GL)

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English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
English, Maths, VR
SKU: OMT-TYK-WO-10001 Categories: ,


Each Subject includes 30 questions. That is:
  • English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning (VR) single test purchase comes with 30 questions each. That is, 120 questions in total
There is no time restriction to start or finish the test. The concept is to let you test your knowledge. See answers at the end. It allows student see how much they know. Consolidated results as the end of test report.

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Test No.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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